6 Best NFT Analysis Websites for Every Investor

6 Best NFT Analysis Websites for Every Investor

Aside from DeFi, NFTs are arguably one of the biggest applications within the Blockchain field.

However, the NFT market is still relatively new, making research and exploration much more challenging compared to tokens or DeFi.

Criteria for Evaluating an NFT Collection

If you want to make money investing in NFTs, conducting thorough research is essential.

While each investor may have different investment philosophies and strategies, here are some basic criteria to evaluate an NFT collection:

Basic statistics: total supply, market cap, trading volume, floor price, etc.
Attributes of the NFT: its utility and creation process
Current pricing analysis of the NFT (NFT valuation)
Rarity of the NFT: total supply, % listed, % owners, etc.
Community growth metrics on Twitter, Discord
Where are the NFTs being sold? Is there a flow of funds into these NFTs?
One of the best ways to start researching NFTs is by checking information available on Twitter, Discord, and YouTube.

With hundreds of new NFT collections launched daily, how do you find a promising NFT collection? The following 6 websites will elevate your NFT investment to a new level!

6 Best NFT Analysis Websites

  1. NFT Onchained

NFT Onchained is a tool that tracks over 200 NFT collections (mostly on the Ethereum network).

Inbox user interface
This platform offers many useful features for exploration. However, only some features are free, while advanced features require payment, such as:

Tracking detailed metrics like market cap, trading volume, floor price, fear & greed, etc. (free)
Filtering and listing low-priced NFT collections on OpenSea (paid)
Advanced price charts of NFT collections (free for 30 collections)
NFT Doodles collection chart
Tracking transaction activities of 'whales' (paid)

  1. Oxalus

Oxalus is a data analytics platform for NFTs, where you can check detailed information about NFT collections, including:

Upcoming NFT collections
NFT collections minted for free
Community growth rates of NFT collections (Twitter, Discord)

Other details such as total supply of NFTs, selling prices, sale dates, etc.

Oxalus website interface
You can log in to Oxalus ID to use in 'Advanced mode': adding schedules of NFT collections, filtering and sorting values in ascending or descending order to save search time.

Oxalus tracker
For gaming guilds, Oxalus tracker is a completely free tool to manage scholarships.

  1. DappRadar

DappRadar offers 3 tools that greatly assist in the investment process:

NFT value estimation tool
NFT collection discovery tool
NFT investment portfolio tracking tool
NFT value estimation tool

The NFT value estimation tool allows you to accurately estimate the current value of 68 leading NFT collections on the Ethereum network.

Based on super data from DappRadar, this tool uses algorithms to continuously calculate the estimated value of NFTs. Learn more about how it works here.

NFT collection discovery tool

With the NFT Explorer tool, you can search for collections in three ways:

Use the search bar to find a specific NFT by its ID number
Sort collections based on estimated sale price or last sale price
Or filter collections based on NFT super data

NFT investment portfolio tracking tool

With this tool, you can track the wallet activities of yourself or anyone you choose. Detailed results are surprising!

By tracking the trading activities of NFT 'whales', you'll gain more useful information to make your investment decisions.

  1. Footprint Analytics NFT

Footprint Analytics NFT is one of my favorite websites due to its user-friendly and easy-to-use interface.

In addition to basic NFT metrics like Market Cap, Volume, Holders, and Floor Price, this site updates additional indices such as Market Sentiment, Blue Chip Index, Potential NFT Index, etc.

The site also features an interesting tool to 'compare 2 NFT collections' (as shown in the image below).

  1. NFT Price Floor

NFT Price Floor is one of the most user-friendly and easy-to-use NFT websites.

The parameters you can look up on this site include:

Market Cap of the NFT collection
Number of Owners of the NFT collection
Price Floor Chart of the NFT collection (best feature)

  1. Gamefinity

Gamefinity.com specializes in analyzing:

Guides for investing in NFTs, playing, and earning money with NFT games for beginners

Continuous updates and information about NFT investments and gamefi
The articles on this site are meticulously prepared by the Gamefinity team to be the most detailed and understandable, allowing you to easily follow along.

By following Twitter and joining the Gamefinity community, you can exchange knowledge about NFT investment and gamefi.

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